Monday, September 17, 2007


I am beginning to realize the necessity of hearing the word of the Lord every single day.
I have seen from experience and I have heard from the voice of wisdom that to miss even a single day without seeking the word of the Lord is a wasted day. If I don't actively puruse hearing his voice, guaranteed I am more likely to fall into sin or to become apart of the world again..

The two ways I can encounter the word of the Lord:
Rema and Logos.

A Rema is greek for stream. When I hear a Rema word from the Lord it means it is fresh and living like a stream of water (John 7:37-38). It is a word that resonates within my spirit when I am in the presence of the Lord.
Logos is greek for reason. It is symbolic of the written word of God, where God has used men through the reason and logic of language to write His commands, His stories and testamonies of Him.

Fortunately, because of the saints and forerunners of our faith we have been given the gift of the written word of God for us to encounter daily. It is through this word and by divine revelation that we will base our lives. Thank God that I have such easy access to this logos word.

But, to all that have been created by God we have the ability to hear His voice because of what Jesus Christ accomplished at Calvary. His sacrifice made it possible to have communion with God the Father despite our unworthy lives, because He is the ultimate atonement. If we believe and confess Jesus is Lord than we have the ability and capacity to recieve Rema words from Him every single day, just like the early apostles. All we have to do, is ask. "Speak to me God." He is our Father, and He will speak to you.

Wow. I need the word from the mouth of God everyday. Whether it be rema or logos, God I need it to resonate in my spirit in conviction to live more like your son, in encouragement to feel the approval of the Father and not of men, to be a light to my path even in the darkest times.
"The Lord is my light and my salvation--- whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1

Father, give me revelation and speak to me daily through your rema and logos words.
Be the light, salvation and stronghold of my life. I will not let any other thing in this world be my light or salvation or stronghold, but you Jesus. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Amen.

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